Friday, October 26, 2012

Success: Bone Marrow Biopsy + Port Installed

Had my bone marrow biopsy early this morning, and one hour later had my port "installed."

Let me tell you:  I am drugged up.  I'm not allowed to do online shopping, drive, buy that drug runner plane on e-bay, or basically anything but post to my blog (and hope the words make sense in the order I put them in) and watch TV.

I was pretty much out of it for the bone marrow biopsy- didn't even know it happened.  Wendy watched because she was interested in seeing it.  She said they did 2, one with blood from the bone, and another that was the marrow itself- which looked like "thin spaghetti of dark red stuff."  Lovely.

I was wheeled to the main hospital for my port install, given even MORE drugs- but weirdly enough, I didn't fall asleep.  I was pretty much wide awake the whole time.  I was drugged up enough to not feel anything other than some tugging and pushing on my chest.  It seemed like it was 10 minutes, but it was about 1 hour (!).  The nurse was impressed/surprised that I didn't fall asleep during the procedure with the amount drugs I had up to that point. 

I had to recover for a bit before I could stand:

Wendy drove me home, with a stop to pick up my pain pills, because I feel like hell right now.

This conversation took place at the grocery store: 
Wendy:  Do you want those onion hamburger buns?  
Me: Yeah!
Wendy: ... are you just agreeing to everything I suggest?
Me:  Wha?  I want Cheez-its.

Yeah, time to sign off of the internet for a day, otherwise I'll try to buy a Fabergé
 egg or something.


  1. Glad you were out of it, I've heard some terribly painful stories of bone marrow biopsy procedures.

  2. Yeah I was most worried about the bone marrow biopsy. Luckily I can't remember a damn thing about it. Although my lower back/ass hurts, like someone hit me with a hammer.

    The nurse did mention to me that some people ask for only local anesthesia, or none at all- I have NO idea why anyone would do that, considering they're shoving a long ass needle into you pelvis straight into the bone.

  3. Not bad...drugs and people taking care of you. Are you sure you aren't at a republican convention?

  4. not enough rich white people who don't want to pay taxes.

  5. Ah, versed. We call that the Jedi drug -- you can wave your hand over someone you just injected Obi-Wan style and tell them, "You will not remember this."

    I'm hoping you stay strong throughout your ordeal, and wish you the best of luck with treatments. I'm rooting for you, man!
